Thrilled to announce Jupiter has teamed up w/@joinFIO to integrate FIO Send into our wallet!

Jen Zukowski
2 min readApr 4, 2022

Soon, Jupiter wallet users will never have to worry about sending crypto to the wrong address. Thanks to human-readable FIO Crypto Handle & FIO Send!

Jupiter wallet is a noncustodial wallet that allows users to interact with Jupiter’s public blockchain in a high-security environment. Being noncustodial gives users the ability to control access to their funds because funds are in their account, to which the user holds the keys. The Jupiter Project is more than just a wallet. It is an ecosystem that includes a wallet, a framework for dApp creation called Gravity, an encrypted messaging dApp called Metis, a decentralized password manager called Fndr, an NFT marketplace called Leda, and several other decentralized tools for developers and others wanting to operate on a decentralized distributed ledger. Jupiter is driven to be a leader in dApps for corporate, government, and defense sectors using blockchain technology. Jupiter Project offers its users the tools they need in a secure environment. You can learn more about Jupiter project here:

Enter FIO: the integration of FIO Send will give users the ability to easily send and receive cryptocurrency without the stress of copying and pasting long string public addresses users of this, and other wallets are accustomed to having to use. FIO Send replaces that long string public address vulnerable to errors and other exploits with a simple, human-readable address known as a FIO Crypto Handle. The long string public key address is replaced with the FIO Crypto Handle in the format of username@domain or, for example, janedoe@wallet.

No longer will users have to worry about mistyping a character or any type of hack or exploit that alters the address where the user is trying to send funds. Adding FIO Send to the Jupiter wallet gives its users an even more accessible and seamless experience when making payments on the Jupiter ecosystem, making an already phenomenal and secure wallet even better and easier to use for all the users of Jupiter. Grab your FIO Crypto Handle today at and keep an eye out for the official release of FIO Send within the Jupiter platform.

About FIO

FIO, the Foundation for Interwallet Operability, is a decentralized consortium of blockchain organizations and community members supporting the ongoing development, integration, and promotion of the FIO Protocol. The protocol is an open-source, decentralized usability layer solution that works across all blockchains, and uses human-readable Crypto Handles to replace the complexity, risk, and inconvenience that comes with blockchain-based transactions using public addresses.


